Friday, November 22, 2019

Spanish Words for Home

Spanish Words for Home Although the differences between the English words house and home are very roughly similar to the differences between Spanish casa and hogar, respectively, hogar is far from the only way that home can be translated. In fact, the concept of home can be translated dozens of ways into Spanish, depending (as usual) on the context. Key Takeaways: Spanish Words for Home In broad terms, the differences between hogar and casa are similar to the differences between home and house, respectively, with the latter terms putting more emphasis on the building rather than the feelings it evokes.Despite their differences, hogar and casa are often interchangeable when referring to a place where someone lives.House and home as adjectives can often be translated as casero or hogareà ±o. Hogar vs. Casa The reverse is also true, but to a much lesser extent: While hogar nearly always refers to a building in which people live, it can also refer to a fireplace (it is derived from the Latin word focus, which meant hearth or fireplace), a lobby or similar place where people gather, or to a family that lives together. When home does refer to a building where people live, usually hogar or casa can be used, with the latter sometimes placing more emphasis on the building itself: Our home is located in the heart of the Bellemont neighborhood. Nuestra casa est situada en el corazà ³n del Barrio Bellemont.Our home will be celebrating with your arrival. Con tu llegada nuestro hogar est de fiesta.We can build your home in Chile. Podemos construir tu casa en Chile.My mothers home is the perfect place for the children. La casa de mi madre es el sitio perfecto para los nià ±os.The country has prohibited there being statues in a Muslim home. El paà ­s ha prohibido que en un hogar musulmn haya estatuas. To refer to institutional residences, hogar typically is used (although casa isnt unheard of): The entry of a loved one into a home for the elderly or similar institution can be a traumatic experience. La entrada de un ser querido en un hogar de ancianos o institucià ³n semejante puede ser una experiencia traumtica.The Farmworker Youth Home is an alternative for child care. El Hogar Juvenil Campesino es una alternativa para dar atencià ³n al nià ±o. At home can usually be translated as en casa, while to go home is to go a casa: Im not at home. No estoy en casa.We are going home at 9. Vamos a casa a las nueve. Adjective Forms for 'House' and 'Home' The singular masculine adjective forms of casa and hogar are casero and hogareà ±o: Many choose to feed their pets homemade food. Muchos optan por alimentar a sus mascotas con comida casera.The nine-bedroom mansion includes a home theater with 12 seats. La mansià ³n de nueve habitaciones incluye un teatro casero con doce asientos.  His early home life was not the type that can produce a completely trustworthy person. Su vida hogareà ±a temprana no fue del tipo que pueda producir una persona completamente confiable.Nicotine is highly toxic for the most common house pets. La nicotina es altamente tà ³xica para las mascotas hogareà ±as ms comunes. Other Types of 'Home' When home refers to the center or original place, various translations can be used: Just as Hollywood is the home of movies, Nashville is the home of country music. Asà ­ como Hollywood es el centro de las pelà ­culas, Nashville es el centro de la mà ºsica country.Greetings from Idaho, home of delicious potatoes. Saludos desde Idaho, la tierra de las papas riquà ­simas.Wendys is the home of the square hamburger. Wendys es el creador de la hamburguesa cuadrada. In Internet usage, the home page is usually the pgina principal or pgina inicial. A link to the home page may be labeled Inicio, although sometimes the loanword home is used as well. In recreation, home has various meanings: A home game is typically un juego en casa, while the home team is often el equipo local.In baseball, the home plate can be la goma, el hogar, or el plato, among other terms. El jonrà ³n (obviously derived from the English phrase) is universally used for home run.In board games and some athletic contests, where reaching home is the goal of the game, it can be known as la meta or el final, among other terms. The most common term for homeless is sin hogar, although sin casa is used, as is, less rarely, sin vivienda. Homeless people can be known as los sinhogares.

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