Monday, November 11, 2019

Conscription During World War One Essay

There were more deaths than there were volunteers and the soldiers should not have to die in vain; therefore, conscription was the right course of action for Canada during World War 1. In the beginning of World War 1, people were excited and more than willing to volunteer to fight as soldiers in the war but as the war progressed, people realized that the war was really extremely antagonizing and muderous. Once people stopped voluteering to be in the war, there were not enough people to replace the dead on the battlefield. In law of conscription had to be enforced. Without the introduction of conscription, Canada would have run out of men much quicker. With the lack of men on the battlefield, Canadian soldiers would not have been able to hold off the German attacks so they would have lost the war. Canada owes it’s victory to conscription. Some people say that conscription was taking away people’s free will, and for that reason, it was a mistake for Canada. If conscription was not introduced, than all the hard work, effort and money that the soldiers put into the war would have gone to waste. Canada sent over 500 000 soldiers to fight in the war and spent approximately $1 665 576 000 in food, supplies, weapons and equipment. It would be dishonourable toward the soldiers if they had died for nothing. Concription was the right course of action for Canada due to the fact that there were more deaths than there were volunteers and the soldiers should not have to die in vain during World War 1.

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