Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Regulations And Or Laws A Business Must Follow - 1214 Words

Miranda Carpenter 17 February 2015 Mrs. Nagle Report #1 In today’s society there are many regulations and or laws a business must follow. Every day there are businesses that â€Å"cut corners† but there are also some businesses that are charged by the law, due to illegal practices. Two businesses/companies that have been charged with unethical and illegal practices within the past two years are ExxonMobil which is the world’s largest energy company and FedEx which is one of the world’s top carriers (Diaz-Shephard, 2013). In 2013, Exxon Mobil Corp. was charged with dumping more than 50,000 gallons of waste water in Pennsylvania. The waste water was coming from the Marquandt well sites waste tanks, located in Pennsylvania’s Lycoming County. As Inspectors from the States Department of Environmental Protection began their unannounced investigation, they discovered that a plug had been removed from the tank which was what allowed the waste water to exit the tank onto the ground, polluting a nearby stream. Furthermore, Exxon Mobil then was ordered to remove 3,000 tons of soil as part of the clean project (Diaz-Shephard, 2013). Pennsylvania’s attorney general website Bloomberg.com stated that â€Å"natural gas wastewater may contain a number of toxins, including chlorides, barium, strontium, and aluminum†. This company was charged with five counts of unlawful conduct under the Clean Streams Law, and also charged with three counts under the Solid Waste Management Act (Kennedy, 2013). 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