Saturday, October 19, 2019

Biology lesson 4 Exam Essay Example for Free (#4)

Biology lesson 4 Exam Essay Question 1 2 points Save Plant seed coats, mycorrhizae, and cuticles are examples of ways plants have adapted to life on land. evolutionary adaptations to limit water absorption. mechanisms to enhance carbon dioxide release. both b and c. (page 502) Question 2 2 points Save The advantages of vascular tissue over nonvascular tissue are evident in whether organisms have alternation of generations. an organism’s size and complexity. (page 504) the number of individual offspring produced by each organism. all of the above. Question 3 2 points Save The typical vascular plant sporophyte  includes the developing embryo. has roots, shoots, and meristems. has specialized tissues that develop into conducting vessels. both b and c. (page 507) Question 4 2 points Save Fruits and vegetables provide ____________ and are important sources of _____________ . nutrients; carbohydrates dietary fiber; protein protein; vitamins and minerals dietary fiber; vitamins and minerals (page 516) Question 5 2 points Save More than 70 percent of the world’s cultivated farmland is used for growing _________ rich in ____________. fruits; carbohydrates and fiber roots; starch  grains; carbohydrates and fiber (page 518) legumes; Protein Question 6 2 points Save Several nonfood uses of plants include paper, synthetic clothing, and building material. medicines, rayon, and lumber. (pages 520-523) ceramics, cabinets, and rope. violins, ivory, and rubber. Question 7 2 points Save Salicin, derived from the bark of willow trees, is the starting compound used to make paper. clothes. rubber. aspirin. (page 522) Question 8 2 points Save Medicinal uses of plants include all of the following EXCEPT cancer treatment. treatment of cardiac disorders. decongestant. Albinism treatment. (page 521) Question 9 2 points Save Two plants that are used to make BOTH paper and cloth are bamboo and flax. flax and cotton. (page 522) sisal and bamboo. rice and cotton. Question 10 2 points Save Refer to the illustration below – it shows the stem of a coleus plant. The tissue labeled A, which gives support to the vascular structures in the plant stem, is called vascular tissue. dermal tissue. epidermis. ground tissue. (pages 552-553) Question 11 2 points Save Protection, water and mineral absorption, and gas exchange are all functions of dermal tissue. (page 553)  vascular bundles. mesophyll cells. heartwood. Question 12 2 points Save The â€Å"plumbing system† that transports water and nutrients throughout a plant is called epidermis. vascular tissue. (page 554) pith. transpiration. Question 13 2 points Save The movement of water through a plant is caused, in part, by the attraction of water molecules for each other. osmosis. transpiration. (page 560) all of the above. Question 14 2 points Save The stomata are responsible for translocation. leaf growth. regulating water loss. (page 560) the transport of minerals. Question 15 2 points Save. The guard cells that surround a stoma have no walls. swell with water, causing the stoma to open. (page 561) shrivel up when opening the stoma. are responsible for translocation. Question 16 2 points Save Seed germination in a bean sprout uses a hooked shoot to protect the sprout tip from damage. (page 572) occurs after the seed coat has been damaged. is aided by a protective sheath which covers the shoot tip. only occurs after the soil has warmed to 17oC. Question 17 2 points Save Corn plants are perennial plants, storing nutrients in their roots for the next year. Must have their seeds exposed to fire before they germinate. have secondary growth that makes the stems resistant to damage. have sheaths that cover the growing shoot during germination. (page 572) Question 18 2 points Save Growth by cell division that makes both ends of a plant longer but not wider is called secondary growth. annual ring growth. vascular growth. primary growth. (page 574) Question 19 2 points Save The secondary xylem and phloem form from cork cambium. vascular cambium. apical meristems. bark. (page 574) Question 20 2 points Save. One difference between a gastrovascular cavity and a one-way digestive system is the presence or absence of cell specialization. (page 605) digestive enzymes. digestion within body cells. a moist membrane for nutrient diffusion. Question 21 2 points Save In an open circulatory system, water is drawn into the mantle cavity to provide oxygen to body tissues. lungs branch into small tubules to provide oxygen to tissues. wastes are eliminated directly to the environment from tissues. body tissues are bathed directly in fluid containing oxygen. (page 606) Question 22 2 points Save. The system that does not allow for direct contact between oxygen-carrying cells and tissues is called a one-way digestive system. the excretory system. a closed circulatory system. (page 606) an open respiratory system. Question 23 7 points Save Match the animal systems in Column I with their functions in Column II. digestive – E. break down food excretory – B. removal of waste products skeletal – C. body support and movement circulatory – D. transport nutrients and oxygen nervous – A. coordinate body activities respiratory – F. perform cellular metabolism reproductive – G. carry on the species. Biology lesson 4 Exam. (2017, May 23).

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