Sunday, February 16, 2020

Conduct and interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Conduct and interview - Essay Example Women have always gotten very minimal opportunities to be involved in working in heavy industrial areas as this position is seen to mainly suit the men. Apparently, there are also very few women expertise involved in the same sector due to the perception that this is a male dominated area. In most instances, women will only be given the minor positions in such industrial areas and even the pay is seen to be less. The perception being that, it is just a favor for such women to be in such areas of expertise otherwise they are very vulnerable. Currently, there is an expert woman in chemical engineering who filed a complaint over not being given an equal opportunity in an interview for a position. This is still an evidence of some job areas being considered womanly or manly and thus the reason to this interview is of high value in order to understand gender issues at work places. Description of the interview This interview was conducted on the twenty ninth of March, 2013. The interview w as conducted at Shed Pharmaceuticals Company. It was only possible to carry out the interview after consulting with the senior human resource person in this company. I was given one of the offices that belong to the chief pharmacist as it offered more privacy and the interviewee also needed to be in a more comfortable situation without any distractions that would impede getting the correct information from the employee (Barret, 2006). The interviewee was a thirty eight year old at the highlight of her work career. Her name is Joan and she has two children one at age twelve, while the last born at age seven years. She lives as a single mother and thus she has to take care of her family needs which include providing education, food and shelter for the children. I particularly chose this interviewee because of the nature of position that she has in this company. She is one of the senior analysts of the pharmaceutical products that are produced in the company. She went through so much i n order to get to this position; therefore, she can tell best what some of the challenges are as a woman she has gone through during the highlight of her career. She is also the only woman in a team of five senior analysts and thus, it is what comes from her experience from working in a team of men whereby she is the only woman. Joan is also one the most convenient individual to contact for the interview as she has been in such a position under gender disparity in work places. More so, her area of specialization has always been perceived to be a male dominated area. Therefore, she is the most ideal individual for this type of interview. Summary of responses to the questions The ten questions were divided into three basic areas. Therefore, the summary will give a summary of the ten questions into the questions with the same agenda being made into one. One compacted questions during the interview process was based on opportunities given to women to express themselves and get a positio n in an interview. The main ideas under these questions involve the concept that women should be given even an upper hand during interviews especially in a situation that there are less women vying for the same position. I linked this to the notion that, less women are found in such areas of expertise and thus they should stand even better positions for positions like what Joan possessed. Her response According to Joan, yes

Monday, February 3, 2020

Midterm1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Midterm1 - Assignment Example These abiotic factors are broadly classified  into three categories climatic factors, edaphic factors and inorganic substances. Climatic factors include the climate regime and physical factors of the environment such as humidity, atmospheric temperature, wind and light among others. Edaphic factors are related to the structure and composition of soil including its chemical and physical properties such as soil profile, soil type, minerals, soil water, soil organisms and organic matter. The last category of inorganic and organic substances include; water, sulphur, phosphorous, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and human substances. Biotic factors comprise of the living part of the ecosystem. They include any living thing that affects another organism ( Biotic community is divided into heterotrophs, authotrophs and saprotrophs. Autotrophs also known as producers or convertors are photosynthetic plant, generally bearing chlorophyll, which produces high-energy complex organic compounds form inorganic raw materials. In terrestrial ecosystem, autotrophs are mainly rooted plants. Floating plants e.g. phytoplankton and shallow water rooted plants are the autotrophs in aquatic ecosystem. Heterotrophs are known as consumers, which are generally animals feeding on other organisms. They consist of mainly carnivores and herbivores. Lastly, saprotrophs break down complex organic compounds of dead matter. ... These roles are because of natural processes of a total ecological sub-system of that it is a part. In turn, this natural processes result to complex interactions among abiotic and biotic components of ecosystems through the general driving forces of energy and matter (Fisher al et, 648). Ecosystem has four basic functions; regulatory functions, habitat functions, production functions and information functions. Regulatory group of functions relates to the capacity of both natural and semi-natural ecosystems to regulate essential ecological processes by bio-geochemical cycles and other biosphere processes. Natural ecosystems provide habitat functions. Wild plants and animals take refuge in the natural ecosystem. Consequently, this contributes to conservation of genetic and biological diversity in the evolutional process. It also regulates change and stability of a region. Another function is the production function. Photosynthesis and nutrient uptake by autotrophs converts carbon diox ide, energy, nutrients and water into a wide variety of carbohydrate structure, which are later used by secondary producers to make an even bigger variety of living biomass. This diversity in structure of carbohydrate provides many ecosystems with goods for human consumption. Lastly natural ecosystem provide an essential ‘reference function’ and lead to maintenance of human health by providing opportunities for spiritual enrichment, reflection, aesthetic and recreation experience. The Diablo Range is a mountain range, located in the eastern San Franciso Bay area south to the Salinas Valley area of northern California. It is perceived as an intact ecosystem has it has both biotic and abiotic